JUMP TOInterplaiIntroductionHow to Use Interactive API ReferenceAuthenticationAPI KeyCreate new API key.postRetrieve all API keys for account.getRetrieve API key by ID.getUpdate API key by ID.patchDelete API key by ID.deleteWebhook SubscriptionCreate new webhook subscription.postRetrieve all webhook subscriptions for an account.getRetrieve webhook subscription by ID.getUpdate webhook subscription by ID.patchDelete webhook subscription by ID.deleteZoneCreate new zone(s).postRetrieve all zones for account.getUpdate zones.patchDelete zones.deleteRetrieve zone by ID.getUpdate zone by ID.patchDelete zone by ID.deletePerform action on a zone.postLocationCreate new location(s).postRetrieve all locations in a zone.getUpdate locations.patchDelete locations.deleteRetrieve location by ID.getUpdate location by ID.patchDelete location by ID.deleteServiceCreate new service(s).postRetrieve all services in a zone.getUpdate services.patchDelete services.deleteRetrieve service by ID.getUpdate service by ID.patchDelete service by ID.deleteVehicleCreate new vehicle(s).postRetrieve all vehicles in a zone.getUpdate vehicles.patchDelete vehicles.deleteRetrieve vehicle by ID.getUpdate vehicle by ID.patchDelete vehicle by ID.deleteUpdate vehicle action.postTripCreate new trip(s).postRetrieve all trips in a zone.getUpdate trips.patchUpdate trip by ID.patchRetrieve trip by ID.getUpdate trip action.postRequest for QuotesCreate request for quote(s).postRetrieve all request for quotes in a zone.getRetrieve request for quotes by ID.getQuotesCreate new quote.postRetrieve all quotes by request for quotes ID.getRetrieve all quotes by trip ID.getRetrieve all quotes available in a zone.getRetrieve quotes by ID.getUpdate quote action.postOptimization SolutionRetrieve all optimization solutions in a zone.getRetrieve optimization solution by ID.getRouteRetrieve all routes in a zone.getRetrieve all routes in a optimization solution.getRetrieve route by ID.getAccept and/or reject routes by optimization solution ID.postRemove trip from route.postSegmentRetrieve all segments in a route.getRetrieve segment by ID.getAccept and/or reject segments by route ID.postRemove trip from segment.postWaypointRetrieve all waypoints in a trip.getUpdate waypoints.patchRetrieve waypoint by ID and trip ID.getUpdate waypoint by ID.patchUpdate waypoint action.postCostmatrixCalculate cost matrices.postPreference SettingsRetrieve all preference settings.getUpdate preference settings.patchUserCreate new user(s).postRetrieve all users.getDelete users.deleteRetrieve user by ID.getUpdate user by ID.patchDelete user by ID.deleteUpload profile picture.postRetrieve profile picture by ID.getRetrieve total delivery count.getDriver AppMobile DeviceRetrieve all mobile devices.getMobile App LogInRetrieve all mobile app logIns.getMobile Device VerificationRetrieve all mobile device verifications.getMobile App ConnectionRetrieve all mobile app connections.getTerms and ConditionsCreate new terms and conditions.postRetrieve all terms and conditions.getTerms and Conditions StatusRetrieve all terms and conditions statuses.getChat MessageAdd message to chat.postRetrieve all chat messages.getRetrieve chat messages by ID.getPowered by Retrieve all routes in a zone.get https://api.interplai.io/v2/zones/{zoneId}/routesRetrieve all routes in a zone specified by zoneId.