Trip Process
This section covers the potential options shown on the mobile driver application as a driver completes a trip.
Once a route has been accepted, the driver will receive a notification. The notification screen may include information such as:
- Pick up location
- Drop off location
- Map
- Estimated distance/duration
Trip accepted
Once the driver has accepted the assignment, they may use the given address and the navigation system of their choosing to direct them to the first waypoint. Options shown to the driver may include:
- Contact options for the partner location and customer.
- Pickup instructions, which may be customized for each trip.
- “Arrived at store” button, which updates the driver's location for optimal route suggestions.
Assignments in a trip can be single or multiple. For instance, a driver can collect multiple orders from a single restaurant and deliver them to different customers simultaneously. For each assignment in a trip, the driver will need to click "Pickup Steps" to fulfill the steps after collecting the manifest items. When there is more than one assignment, the driver can mark the manifest items are picked up by clicking on the "Pickup Steps" and "Complete Pickup" button by completing the requested steps during pickup.
After the pickup screen, the driver will be given information about the drop-off location. The driver will need to click "Arrived at customer's location" when they reach the drop-off location. At the drop-off location, the driver is expected to follow the drop-off instructions. This may include steps such as collecting payment, verifying identification, or other custom instructions. The driver must "Confirm" each step listed on the drop-off checklist.
Complete dropoff
Once the assignment is fulfilled, the driver will select the “Complete Dropoff” button to signal the finalization of the trip. This will signal completion to the Interplai system. The driver can view the trip summary by selecting "Delivery History" from the menu. It may be possible to view information about the total number of completed deliveries and the other important highlights in the account section of the app.
Updated over 2 years ago